Indian Institute of Metals
Delhi Chapter
  Untitled Document
Chairman's Message

It is my proud privilege to be the Chairman of The Indian Institute of Metals, Delhi Chapter and I feel honoured to serve this Chapter, having illustrious members from industries, R&D Institutions, Academia and Government. I would like to sincerely thank the members for reposing their trust in me and look forward to our collective leadership in organizing various technical activities.

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  MMMM Event  
Untitled Document
Welcome to IIM - Delhi Chapter

The Indian Institute of Metals, Delhi Chapter has acquired a unique and important status among all Chapters of IIM. Founded in March 1953, this Chapter celebrated its Silver Jubilee in October 1978 and Golden Jubilee in September 2002. Late Dr. D N Wadia, the internationally famous geologist, was the first Chairman of Delhi Chapter and continued until 1963. He was followed by eminent metallurgists and senior government officials, who provided leadership, guidance and wise counsel for Chapter's growth.

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Current Events   Current Publications

IIM Delhi Chapter regularly organizes various technical conferences, seminars, workshop on contemporary topics to encourage wide dissemination of information in the selected topics as well as technical activities and talks by eminent personalities in Industry, academia, Research Institutes on contemporary topics.

As part of Platinum Jubilee celebrations of Indian Institute of Metals, IIM Delhi Chapter organised a Conference Webinar on 'Requirement of Steel & other strategic Materials for Defence Sector' on 06March 2021 at Google Meet Platform. Mr. Amol A Gokhale, President, Indian Institute of Metals was the Chief Guest. He along with; Dr. R Balamurlikrishnan, DMRL Hyderabad, Mr. Alok Sahay, ED (Commercial), SAIL, Mr. M Duraiswamy, DGM, BDL, Mr. A K Hazra, Jt.GM, Metal & Steel Factory, Ichapur, and Mr. Nitin Amte, GM (R&D) ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel made their presentations and interacted with IIM-DC members. `Conference Report_2021-03-06' may be seen for Programme Details

IIM Delhi Chapter organised a Technical Session on `Product, Process & Application - Cold Rolling Mill, Tata Steel BSL Sahibabad' by Mr. Jitendra Mathur, Head QA, Tata Steel BSL Sahibabad on Google meet Platform on 03May2021. The programme report can be seen at Webinar Report_03Mar2021'

IIM Delhi Chapter has published 'MMMM2018 International Conference - Summary & Recommendations' comprising Conference Summary and Recommendations arising out of International Conference during MMMM 2018 Event held during 29 - 31Aug.2018 at Pragati Maidan, N.Delhi

IIM Delhi Chapter publishes Newsletter regularly, highlighting Chapter News, Technical Articles, Industry News, Members' News etc. The current issue 'Met-Info Inhouse Publication (IIM Delhi Chapter) - June 2024' may be accessed for detailed information.
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International Expo-cum-Conference MMMM2022 on 'Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy in Minerals & Metals Sectors' will be held during 25 – 27 August 2022 at Pragati Maidan, N.Delhi. A Brief write-up, Conference and Expo Brochures may be accessed here
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  Indian Institute of Metals-Delhi Chapter  
  Jawahar Dhatu Bhavan,
39 Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
M.B. Road, New Delhi 110062

Phone :91 11 29956738
tel-Fax :91 11 29955084