- IIM Delhi Chapter regularly organizes technical
conferences, seminars, workshops on contemporary topics
to encourage wide dissemination of information and
knowledge on the chosen subject.
- As part of Platinum Jubilee of Indian Institute of Metals, IIM Delhi Chapter organised a Conference Webinar on 'Requirement of Steel & other strategic Materials for Defence Sector' on 06 March 2021 at Google Meet Platform. Mr. Amol A Gokhale, President, Indian Institute of Metals was the Chief Guest. He along with; Dr. R Balamurlikrishnan, DMRL Hyderabad, Mr. Alok Sahay, ED (Commercial), SAIL, Mr. M Duraiswamy, DGM, BDL, Mr. A K Hazra, Jt.GM, Metal & Steel Factory, Ichapur, and Mr. Nitin Amte, GM (R&D) ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel made their presentations and interacted with IIM-DC members. 'Conference Report_2021-03-06' may be seen for Programme Details
- The Indian Institute of Metals – Delhi Chapter organised a Seminar on `Benchmarking for Enhancing Competitiveness for Indian Steel Plants’ on 15 September 2017 at India International Centre, Max Mueller Marg, N.Delhi. Thirteen eminent Speakers made their Presentations on the topic. A brief Report on the Seminar may be accessed at `Seminar Report’. Enclosed `Detailed Programme’ may be seen for Speakers and topics of their presentations. The respective Presentations in the Detailed Programme may also be accessed for personal information only.
- The Indian Institute of Metals – Delhi Chapter organized a Seminar on `Prefabricated Structures for Urban & Rural Housing & Warehousing/Logistics Support’ on 16 August 2017 at India International Centre, Max Mueller Marg, N.Delhi. Six eminent Speakers made their Presentations on the topic. A brief Report on the Seminar may be accessed at `Seminar Report’. Enclosed `Detailed Programme’ may be seen for Speakers and their presentations. The respective Presentations in the Detailed Programme may also be seen for personal information only.
- The Indian Institute of Metals – Delhi Chapter organized a Seminar on `Outlook of Ferro Alloys and Auto Shredding of Scrap’ on 03 February 2017 at India International Centre, Max Mueller Marg, N.Delhi, in association with MOIL & MSTC. Three eminent Speakers made their Presentations on the topic. A brief Report on the Seminar may be accessed at `Seminar Report’. Enclosed `Detailed Programme’ may be seen for Speakers and their presentations. The respective Presentations in the Detailed Programme may also be seen for personal information only.
- 11th edition of prestigious institutionalised biennial International Event of IIM Delhi Chapter - Minerals, Metals, Metallurgy & Materials (MMMM2016) - was organized at Pragati Maidan, N.Delhi during 10 – 12 August 2016. Concurrently with the International Expo-cum-Exhibition, an International Technical Conference on `Minerals & Metals and their Contribution to Make in India' was held during 10 – 12 August 2016 at the same venue.
Shri Chaudhuri Birendra Singh, Hon’ble Minister of Steel, Govt. of India, inaugurated the International Conference on 10 August 2016. Mr. Vishnu Deo Sai, Minister of State for Steel, Govt. of India graced the occasion during Valediction of the Event on 12August.2016.
Comprehensive write-up incorporating Exhibition, Conference and various technical presentations made, are available at `MMMM2016’.
- The Indian Institute of Metals – Delhi Chapter organized a Seminar on `Stainless Steels, Special Steels and Alloy Steels’ on 02 April 2016 at India International Centre, Max Mueller Marg, N.Delhi, in association with ISSDA, DMRL & Outokumpu N.Delhi. Seven eminent Speakers from Stainless steels, Special steels and Alloy steel industries made their Presentations on the topic. A brief Report on the Seminar may be accessed at `Seminar Report’. Enclosed `Detailed Programme’ may be seen for Speakers and their presentations. The respective Presentations in the Detailed Programme may also be seen for personal information only.
- The Indian Institute of Metals – Delhi Chapter organized a Seminar on `Aluminum Die Casting’ on 19 March 2016 in the Lecture Hall premises of Delhi Chapter. Dr. A.K.Gupta CEO Rockman industries Ltd. was the Chief Guest on the occasion and Mr.D.C.Sharma Plant Head Superalloy Castings was Guest of Honour. Five technical Presentations were made by Mr. Sam from Yizumi China; Mr. Manish Garg from Digital Design Solutions, Mr. Sendil Kumar from Kaushiks International Bangalore, Mr. Devendra from Future Design Engg. and Dr. Shamik Baranwal from AdviZ Consulting & Solutions Pvt. Ltd.. covering different aspects of Aluminum Die Casting & Utilisation of Solar Energy in Industries. Around 80 IIM members and invitees participated in this lively and highly interactive Seminar. A brief Report on the Seminar may be accessed at `Seminar Report’. The respective Presentations may also be seen for personal information only.
- The Indian Institute of Metals – Delhi Chapter organized a Workshop on `Aluminum Die Casting’ on 28 March 2015 in the Lecture Hall premises of Delhi Chapter. Mr.K.S.Thakur GM Hero Moto Corp was the Chief Guest on the occasion, where Mr.Rahul Khanna CEO Mahavir Die Castings also participated. Three technical Presentations were made by Mr.Linal Amalraj from Chemtrend; Mr.Laxman Ram Sharma from Future Design Engg. and Md. Shahnavaz from Spectro Labs covering different aspects of Aluminum Die Casting. Mr.M.P.Sharma, Hony.Jt.Secretary (IIM-DC) played a significant role in organising this Workshop. Around 80 IIM members and invitees participated in this lively and highly interactive Workshop. A brief Report on the Workshop may be accessed at `Workshop Report’.
- 10th edition of prestigious institutionalized biennial International Event of IIM Delhi Chapter - Minerals, Metals, Metallurgy & Materials(MMMM2014) - was organized at Pragati Maidan, N.Delhi during 04 – 07 September 2014. Cocurrently with an International Expo-cum-Exhibition, an International Technical Conference on `Emerging Trends in Metals & Minerals Sector' was held during 05 – 07 September 2014 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
Mr. Narendra Singh Tomar, Hon’ble Minister of Mines, Steel and Labour & Employment, Govt. of India, inaugurated the International Exhibition on 04 September 2014. The International Conference was inaugurated by Mr. Syedain Abassi, Jt.Secretary, Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India on 05 September 2014. Mr. Vishnu Deo Sai, Minister of State for Steel, Mines, Labour & Employment graced the occasion during Valediction of the Event on 07Sept.2014.
A Comprehensive write-up incorporating Exhibition, Conference and various technical presentations made, may be seen at `MMMM2014’.
- 9th edition of prestigious institutionalized biennial International Event of IIM Delhi Chapter - Minerals, Metals, Metallurgy & Materials (MMMM2012) International Exhibition - was organized at Pragati Maidan, N.Delhi during 27 – 30 September 2012. Coinciding with this Exhibition, an International Technical Conference on `Resurgent India - Vision 2020 in Metals & Minerals Sector' was also held during 28 – 30 September 2012 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
Mr. Vladimir Y Solovarov, Hon’ble Deputy Minister of the International & Foreign Economic Relations of the Sverdlovsk Region Russia, inaugurated the International Exhibition on 27 September 2012. A brief `Exhibition Review’ may be accessed. The International Conference was inaugurated by Dr. Dalip Singh, Jt.Secretary, Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India on 28 September 2012. A brief `Conference Review’ may be accessed.
During International Conference, technical presentations were made covering different aspects of Metallurgical Industry (both ferrous and non-ferrous). These presentations can be seen at `Detailed Programme’.
- The Indian Institute of Metals – Delhi Chapter organized `Seminar on Nano Technology’ on 05May2012 in its auditorium. Around 60 persons,
from Amity Institute of Nano Technology, Ministry
of Defence (R & D Organisation), Students pursuing
Nano Technology stream, officials of MOS, SAIL, MECON,
CET and members of IIM Delhi Chapter, participated
in this Seminar.
`Programme Report’ may be seen for details.
The presentations made, can also be accessed at `Programme Report’.
- The Indian Institute of Metals – Delhi Chapter organized 'Ferro Alloys Workshop’ on 01May2012 in the new Lecture Hall premises of Delhi
Chapter. Around 45 persons, from Ferro Alloy Industries
and members of IIM Delhi Chapter, participated in
this Technical Programme.
'Programme Report’ may be seen for details. The presentations
made, can also be accessed at 'Programme Report'.
- The Indian Institute of Metals – Delhi Chapter organized 'Technical Programme on Energy Efficiency
of Re-heating Furnaces in Rolling Mills’ on 21 November 2011 in the new Lecture Hall premises
of Delhi Chapter. Around 20 persons, from Project
Management Cell of UNDP Ministry of Steel, Rolling
Mills in SME Sector and members of IIM Delhi Chapter,
participated in this Technical Programme.
Report’ may be seen for details. The presentations
made, can also be accessed at 'Programme
- The Indian Institute of Metals – Delhi Chapter organized 'Seminar - cum - Clinic on Computer - Aided
Design and Automation in Die Casting’ on
07th November 2011 in the new Lecture Hall premises
of Delhi Chapter. Around 40 delegates participated
in this Technical Programme. The delegates were from
Academic Institutions, Die Casting Units and members
of IIM Delhi Chapter.
Report' may be seen for details. The presentations
made can also be accessed at 'Seminar
- 8th edition of prestigious institutionalized biennial
International Event - Minerals Metals Metallurgy &
Materials (MMMM2011) International Exhibition 'Exhibition
Brochure' - was organized at Pragati Maidan, N.Delhi
during 11 – 14 Feb.2011. Coinciding with this Exhibition,
an International Technical Conference on `Indian Metal
Industry - Shaping the next decade' 'Conference
Brochure' was also held during 12 - 14 Feb 2011
at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
Mr. P. K. Misra, Secretary (Steel) inaugurated the
Exhibition on 11Feb.2011. A brief 'Exhibition
Review', including the Inaugural Address, and
a brief 'Conference
Review' may be accessed.
In this International Technical Conference, technical
presentations were made by leading technologists,
covering different aspects of Metals (both ferrous
and non-ferrous). These presentations can be accessed
at 'Detailed
Note - It may please be noted that all the technical presentations made during various Conferences/Seminars/Workshops organised by IIM Delhi Chapter, which have been posted above, are for personal reference only. None of these presentations may be published, in any form, without the written permission from Chairman, IIM Delhi Chapter.